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Data extraction and post-processing Naviswork



In this comprehensive tutorial video, you will learn the essential skills for extracting data from Navisworks and effectively utilizing scheduling tables in Microsoft Excel. Whether you are a construction professional, project manager, or architect, this tutorial provides valuable insights into streamlining your workflow.


The video covers the following key topics:


- Data Extraction in Navisworks: Discover how to extract vital project data, such as quantities, properties, and attributes, from your Navisworks models. 📊

- Customizing Data Extraction: Learn how to tailor data extraction to meet your specific project requirements, including the selection of objects and properties. 🧰

- Exporting Data to Excel: See the step-by-step process of exporting the extracted data into Microsoft Excel for further analysis and planning. 📈

- Creating Scheduling Tables: Explore techniques for creating clear and organized scheduling tables in Excel, making it easier to manage project timelines and resources. 🗓

- Data Integration: Understand how to integrate the data extracted from Navisworks into your scheduling tables, enabling you to track project progress and make informed decisions. 🔄


By the end of this tutorial, you will have the skills to efficiently extract and manage data from Navisworks and use Excel scheduling tables to enhance your project coordination and planning. This knowledge is indispensable for improving project efficiency and ensuring successful project outcomes. Don't miss this opportunity to boost your skills and streamline your construction and design projects.

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