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Discover how to obtain precise digital models using drone technology!



The following video demonstrates the process for obtaining digital models from photogrammetric flights, in this case the flight has been carried out with a DJI Phantom 4 RTK drone. The RTK system allows us to obtain inertial and GNSS data in real-time at the moment of capturing each of the images, and this is reflected in the high precision of the projection centers of the images and their derived products without the need for ground control points on the captured terrain.

In this exercise, we start with the images taken by the UAV to obtain various interesting products in the field of civil engineering such as point clouds, digital terrain models, digital surface models, surface meshes, and finally, an orthophoto of the captured terrain.

A very important part is obtaining all these products in the appropriate reference system both in planimetry and in altimetry. The video shows the process to establish the appropriate reference system within the project and the obtaining of altimetry in orthometric heights in relation to the desired geoid model.

Finally, although the entire process is shown with Agisoft Metashape software, the process of obtaining these products in most photogrammetry software is very similar.

#Photogrammetry #Drones #CivilEngineering #Technology

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