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Continuous training: A challenge for companies dedicated to Civil Engineering

Continuous training



The vertiginous curve in the development and use of technology in our daily lives inevitably brings with it a greater demand and adaptation, also within Civil Engineering.

By 2024 there is expected to be a great deal of change, led by many technological developments that directly impact the way we work.

Issues such as artificial intelligence, data analysis and management, sustainable development of infrastructures, advanced software with improvements in the aforementioned, are the protagonists this year in the exponential transformation experienced in the field of Engineering.

Favorable aspects for technical and commercial growth in several lines, in which in Deltana we receive it with a great commitment, to seek to learn, improve and innovate; always seeking to be the best allies for our customers.

In this environment, Deltana puts its maximum effort in the development of new technical capabilities through customized programs of continuous training, achieving high performance and satisfaction within the team. The concreteness in the choice of training allows greater adaptation and speed of change, improving our internal process.

Connecting the quote of the author Eric Hoffer who said "those who think they know everything, will be well equipped for a world that no longer exists" and we as a company understand that it is very important to be updated and handle all the tools that help us to offer a better result for our clients in the world that is being formed and that is to come.

In Deltana we accept the challenge and propose solutions to adapt to change within the Civil Engineering and continue to be a company with a high technical qualification, an innovative work proposal and providing creative solutions.

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