DELTANA is a Spanish consulting company specializing in large construction projects at an international level in the field of Civil Engineering and Building. We offered Technical support in different phases of the project, from the tender to the subsequent execution and commissioning of the infrastructure.
To give this technical support from document management, we are used to the Aconex platform.
Our relationship with Aconex is significant. We have checked that Aconex is an essential tool used in large international projects in which we are involved.
We have worked on important projects around the world using this platform.
We had been involved in Riyadh Metro Project Line 5 for more than 5 years with an important role in Aconex.
A few weeks ago, we have been focused our efforts on Riga Central Station (Rail Baltica in Latvia, Europe).
In one of these important and huge projects, we have used Aconex with 140 companies involved, +19,000,000 documents/drawings, +17,000,000 general correspondences among more than 3000 users
And more than 5 million of Workflows. It´s the perfect platform.
In this kind of project, we find some challenges such as:
We can share and exchange all types of documentation between the parties. This is totally a challenge. With a lot of parties involved, it´s essential to the figure of the Document Controller.
It´s also very important to be some interactions which require extra efficiency and agility among these parties. There are submissions that are audited and have reliable traceability.
A necessary fact is to avoid discussions about different internal management solutions proposed in the project. Using Aconex through the figure of Document Controller is the best solution.
As a Document Controller in this kind of Project, our tasks are:
Task 1. First of all, we create the numbering of sheets with the guidelines set by the client.
When this task is created…
Task 2. We request to the Document Controller of the client for the creation of the appropriate placeholders in Aconex.
Task 3. Once these placeholders are introduced, we upload documents/drawings to Aconex (in PDF & CAD format) and create the corresponding WF using the appropriate template indicated by the client. In this template, it´s established the steps/people who review these documents. These steps are scheduled with the necessary days for the suitable review.
Task 4. We make a follow-up to control the status of this workflow. It´s checked to know if these drawings are approved, rejected or if the workflow is overdue and therefore, we must warn the client of this fact. This can cause an important delay in production.
Task 5. In addition, once uploaded the documents of a SDR package, we sent the BBS through a transmittal (in Excel format, for instance) so that the client can request the arming. This Excel sheet is also uploaded on the platform.
Task 6. Another important thing is that, through Aconex, our technicians can know which is the last design updated to use in the SDR. In this way, we avoid misunderstandings and waste time using wrong/old design drawings. The Document Controller is responsible for notifying these changes in the design to the staff.
Task 7. Moreover, for correct traceability, we monitor and manage the status of each SDR package. In this way, we know the steps carried out for each package and we can warn the client if the package is approved or rejected. This is a helpful fact for the client.
Task 8. All this information is introduced in an Excel tracking with the current status for the packages created. We usually send this track each week so that the client knows the recent situation. This is an important aspect.
Task 9. In these tracks, there is a lot of information to see/identify quickly. The location, the element, the package, the number of drawings…and if that package has suffered some penalty/modification to be valued.
In conclusion, there are important aspects to be highlighted.
A lot of modifications due to the lack of criteria among the parties or the use of wrong design drawings can reduce/stop the production of the SDR. That is the key to avoid. Very important!
For this reason, it´s necessary to optimize the time using the correct document, know the current situation at the moment using the notifications received in Aconex (all parties receive this warning), and the super search tool (very useful to have control over the traceability of some workflow) and automatic management of the tasks pending for each party of the project.