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Using PowerBI to Manage Civil Engineering Projects

PowerBI to Manage Civil Engineering Projects



This can be an extremely useful tool in civil engineering, allowing engineers and project managers to analyze and visualize data relevant to project planning, execution and monitoring. With Power BI, you can create visualizations that show progress graphs, cost charts... facilitating informed decision making.


Software implementation at Deltana Engineering

To start using Power BI in civil engineering, at Deltana we follow these steps:

  1. Data Entry:We need to ensure that relevant data is entered in a continuous and structured manner with clear communication and coordination among the entire work team.


  1. Data Integration:We import this data into Power BI from various sources (Excel, databases, third party APIs, Presto...). At Deltana, we work mostly with Presto and Excel.


  1. Visualization Generation: We design visualizations and control panels that respond to the specific needs of the project or the client we are working with according to their requirements.


  1. Automation and Updating: We set up automatic data updates so that the dashboards reflect the latest information.


  1. Distribution: We share the panels with the corresponding teams and train users in their interpretation and use.


Power BI is a versatile tool that, when used properly, can significantly improve efficiency and decision making in civil engineering projects and in this way, we are helping our clients to better understand the data and decide accordingly.


Understanding of the data handled by Deltana

By using the data displayed in the reports, we can get a Project Control Panel (project management) and use it for the following tasks:


  • Progress: Shows the percentage of completed, in progress and pending tasks.

  • Schedule:The project schedule is displayed with start and end dates for each task.

  • Budget:It monitors the project expenses and compares them with the initial budget.

  • Risk Identification: Lists and visualizes potential risks and their impact on the project.

  • Measurement review:with the use of these graphs, errors in data entry can be quickly detected.

  • Mitigation Plan: shows the strategies and actions to mitigate each risk.

Power BI can transform the way civil engineers manage, analyze and present data on their projects. By providing advanced visualization and analysis tools, it makes it easier for us to make informed decisions and optimize processes on civil engineering projects.

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